April 18th 2024

iCT Online Media Kit - Sponsorship / Advertising on the E-mail Newsletter

Visitors are directed to the iCT site via a two-monthly email newsletter. By advertising in and sponsoring this attention-grabbing e-newsletter, you can get your message directly to the desktops of thousands of senior company managers and marketers in ICT supplier companies throughout the World


Provide 30-word text message plus one hypertext link (no graphics accepted). Advertising copy subject to publisher approval.


Sponsor messages appear on the email and the first screen (home page) of newsletter. No more than three sponsorships per newsletter issue accepted.

Schedule - Every two months

1 - 2 issues £300 per issue
3 - 4 issues £270 per issue
5 - 6 issues £255 per issue
7+ issues £240 per issue

Please add 150% to the rates above to be the exclusive sponsor of an issue.